Lord Shiva Mural — Completed Jan17 This is my ultimate offering to my Lord Shiva Its made of Ply Wood , Shipkar Clay and Acrylic Paint . It took more than 6 months to complete it This blog has the final completion of the Mural Om Namah Shivaya Like and Share
Lord Shiva Mural — Making Jan17 This is my ultimate offering to my Lord Shiva Its made of Ply Wood , Shipkar Clay and Acrylic Paint . It took more than 6 months to complete it This blog has the steps done to make this piece of Art Om Namah Shivaya Like and Share
Ganpati Vandana Jan17 Made this for my Mentor , using a Plaster of Paris – POP and Shilpkar Clay and mixed media Like and Share
Concrete African Woman Statue — Final Jan17 Its made out of 25KG concrete and the design and the body using the Shilpkar Clay ITs took 6 months to complete this The Completion pics Like and Share
Concrete African Woman Statue –Making Jan17 This is another art work made from concrete , Chicken Mesh and Shilpkar Clay . It took almost 6 months of effort to make it with lots of trieal and error in design and colouring etc Like and Share
Doll House — 2 Jan17 Now that my daughter has grown and she needed a bigger and better doll house. Took that as a project and made the doll house using the ply wood , chart paper and other accessorries . Unfortunately i didnt take too much pics of this when it was done Like and Share
African Woman Jan17 This Art is a 3d Statue made from Concrete , Cement , Shilpkar Clay and Chicken Mess for Support in the Concrete The Hands are made from pencil , and the body is with concrete and mseal clay Like and Share
Violin and Key Stand Jan17 This was made using a Wood Board and few Accessories like a Horse Head , a burnt coffee paper Like and Share
Mermaid and the Prince Jan17 This art was made on a Clay Port using the Shipkar Clay ad its a 3D . With the colouring as acrylic Paint Like and Share
High on Fashion Jan17 This was done using the Shilpkar Clay and the Hobby Ideas acrylic paint Like and Share